Cosmetic & Toys
We are specialised in providing Cosmetic Product safety Report (CPSR) and Toxicology Risk assessment (TRA) for Cosmetic products to be placed for the UK, EU, USA, or Canada Market, approved by Expert Toxicologist.
We offer full compliance services for cosmetic products & Toys which includes their registration, maintaining product information file, responsible person compliance for each import batch along with local address for communication with authorities.
All cosmetics sold to the European Union (EU) and Great Britain (GB) marketplaces are regulated under regulation EC 1223/2009 and Cosmetic Products Enforcement Regulations 2013 (as amended) where the requirements include.

- A Product Information File (PIF)
- A cosmetic product safety report (CPSR)
- Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) compliance
- Microbial Challenge Testing
- Product Stability Testing
- Confirmation that no banned ingredients are used in the product
- Correct Labelling in line with the cosmetic product claim
- Providing Safety data sheet (PSDS)
- A Responsible Person(RP) with an UK / EU address for the person legally responsible for the products
- Registration on the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP) for the EU & Northern Ireland
- Registration on the Cosmetic Product Notification Service (CPNS) for GB.
Toxicological Risk Assessment (TRA)
A Toxicological Risk Assessment (TRA) is a safety evaluation of a product based on its composition and intended uses in USA or Canada Market.
Our TRA services include:
- Toxicological risk assessments(TRA) of consumer products for potential to cause acute and chronic effects
- Hazard classifications of products in accordance with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) requirements under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) and Health Canada’s requirements under the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations (CCCR, 2001) if hazard labelling is required
- Labelling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA) evaluations for art materials intended to be marketed in the U.S.
- Creation of product Safety Data Sheets that are in compliance with Globally Harmonized System (GHS-SDS)